
Spot UV Hang Tags. Strong brand image. Instant recognition.

Thirteen seconds. That’s how quickly the average consumer takes to decide on buying a brand in-store, according to Nielsen. When you have such a small window to make an impression, you need a label that will immediately catch attention. You can accomplish this with spot UV hang tags.

Spot UV hang tags are elegant labels that complement your product packaging. A well-designed hang tag can move buyers to choose your brand over the competition. It provides essential information about your product—like what it’s made of and how to use it—and allows you to customize your message according to your brand.

Practical Marketing Tool in Different Sizes

Spot UV hang tags can stand alone as labels for clothing, jewelry, wedding favors, and so much more. The spot UV coating adds shine to certain areas of your artwork, making them more prominent.

Custom hang tags usually feature the company logo and name. You can add instructions to the back of the tag to help customers use your product. The tags are hole drilled, and you can attach it to your product with a string or a ribbon.

Our hang tags come in nine sizes (the most popular is the 2" x 3.5") that can be customized with your own branding. They are printed on durable 16pt. cardstock and can be printed front and back or on the front only.

Save time by using our free templates. Our templates have been setup with proper bleeds and margins, assuring your print job turns out accurate. To download, select a file type and click on the size below.

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Do these come with string or to hang the tags with? We'd like to hang these from a wine bottle neck. I'd like to achieve the same effect as the image shown - does the paper stock come in black and I provide a black imprint? Also, do you offer bundling?
Asked 2 years ago by Chrissy W.

Hi Chrissy,

The hangtags we have online do not come with strings with it. We can customize the order and put strings on and have them bundled. Extra costs for customization will be applied. And for the color of the print will always depend on the design you send us. We have a blank white card and we can print whichever color you want for your background.


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