
Keep Trespassers Away With Weatherproof Property Signs  

Put up property signs to prevent unauthorized individuals from entering your premises. Whether you want to restrict access or mark the boundaries of your property, these signages do the job. Choose from three sturdy, thick, and weather-resistant materials that will last throughout different outdoor conditions. Your warning will be seen from in the day until late at night


How to Customize Your Private Property Signs

Design a sign online with bold, contrasting colors and large block fonts so the warnings will be seen in an instant and from afarThe three standard sizes are large enough to display text and any relevant graphic: 12” x 18”, 18” x 24”, and 24” x 36”.

Print on one or both sides, depending on how it will be displayed. For a secure display, the following finishing options are available for the available materials:


Finishing Option 


Hole drilling 

Reflective Aluminum 

3/16” Corrugated Plastic 



The three available materials stand up well to the elements. Below are the notable features for each: 

  • Aluminum is tougher and built for both indoor and outdoor displays. This material lasts longer than plastic. 
  • Reflective aluminum comes with a shiny surface that catches the eye and lets people see it from afar. Allows for maximum visibility throughout the day. 
  • Corrugated plastic is lightweight and durable. Perfect for shorter-term displays that need to be moved around.  


Regardless of the material, our signs are made to last a long time. Put them on street corners, in your front lawn, or at the back of a building. 


Guide to the Legal Regulations for Property Signs

Only place the sign on property you have legal rights to. It is considered a misdemeanor to display a sign on the property that you do not own. 


Review your state laws to see what constitutes trespassing. The definitions differ per state and this will inform what your “no trespassing” sign says. For example, Arizona considers it trespassing if you display a reasonable notice that prohibits entry, and this is ignored by the alleged trespasser. In Connecticut, trespassing is applicable when you enter or stay on land that you are not licensed to be on.  


Check for the code signage your sign needs for specific messages. This is the signage that tells visitors or customers about the different features in your establishment, such as emergency exit doors, no smoking areas, and accessibility directions. Places with multiple floors require signs indicating floor levels, roof access, and how to get to the exit. Double-check what signs your building will require given all these features. 


Refer to the International Building Code (IBC) and the International Fire Code (IFC) for other signage requirements. Your business will require other signs based on the IBC and IFC, depending on the services you offer and the layout of your establishments. For example, all exits need a sign that is visible from any direction. Places with elevators will need a sign that says, “IN CASE OF A FIRE EMERGENCY, DO NOT USE THE ELEVATOR, USE THE STAIRS.” 


Property Signs FAQs

Where is the best place to display private property signs? 

If you need to deter trespassers, place the signs at the entrance, the parking lot, and backyards. Signs that ban specific activities like loitering and swimming should be displayed in places where these incidents are likely to happen. 


Who can legally display private property signs? 

Owners of private property such as businesses, offices, houses or residences, private beaches, farmlands, and the like can legally post property signs.  


What is the sturdiest material for an outdoor sign? 

Aluminum or reflective aluminum are recommended for permanent displays. These are built to last outdoors and keep your message good as new under different weather conditions. These last longer than corrugated plastic 


If my property is exclusive to guests and residents, what signs will best show this?  

Guest or resident-exclusive signs are suited for recreational centers, private housing areas, and roads. You can add text such as “Private Property Residents and Guests Only” or “Residents Only No Trespassing.” 

Reviews for Property Signs
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of customers that buy this product give it a 4 or 5-Star rating.
Great job!
Verified buyer
May 26, 2023 by Mikel Chavez ( OR )
“These signs are excellent.”
The quality of...
April 18, 2020 by Annie from MN
“The quality of these is really nice and professional. If you are making your design, be sure to leave a wide area around the edge of your image for the machine's drilling and cutting.”
Love the quality....
December 16, 2019 by uprinter
“Love the quality. It will last for years outdoors I hope!”
We always buy...
August 16, 2019 by iHome Resort
“We always buy from UPrinting, this time we ordered these property signs and we were not disappointed! They were amazing, great quality and delivered on time, like everything else we get from them ;)”
Real nice -...
June 3, 2019 by Art Pichardo
“Real nice - very very very very very very very very”

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I need a specific sign made a roadside memorial sign. I dont feel co fident enough to make this myself. Can i sibmitt the criteria and you create it?
Asked 10 months ago by Brandymichelle

Yes, we can definitely create the design for you. You would need to create an account online and give us a call to speak to a Design Team Representative. They will provide you the details of the service and send you a quote.

The other option is to check out our "Create Your Design Online" feature under the Configure and Price Area. After you type in the size dimensions and other options, you can click on that and it will allow you to type in your text, insert any images and color your background. Once you save it and feel it would still need a professional graphic's artist, you can provide us that as basis of the artwork we will submit with the necessary changes you want. 

Hi. For the aluminum option for your Property Signs, it is solid aluminum? Thanks!
Asked a year ago by Nicole H.

Our aluminum signs are made of two pre-painted sheets of .008" aluminum with a solid polyethylene core (for a total thickness of approximately 1/13 inches). They are weather resistant and work great for a variety of uses including property, retail, manufacturing, and real estate signage.

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