
Advertise on windy days with teardrop flag printing.

Teardrop flag printing gives you an attractive wind-resistant solution for outdoor advertising. There's a good reason you keep seeing these flags during outdoor sporting events and grand openings.

Unlike regular banners, teardrop flags maintain their integrity even during windy days. This makes them perfect for outdoor advertising at the beach, ski trail, or anywhere else windy conditions are expected.

Teardrop flags come in two sizes, measured from the bottom of the base to the top of the flag: 8.6' (33" x 71" flag) and 11.4' (39" x 93" flag), giving you a convenient, yet still truly eye-catching piece of ad space that you can carry anywhere.

They are printed on a lightweight, yet durable polyester fabric and are each mounted on a pole attached to your choice of base.

Choices for bases include ground spikes, cross bases, and water weight bags. Ground spikes are ideal for securing your custom teardrop banners on sand and grass. Cross bases are excellent for indoor promotions, such as in convention halls. Water weight bags further improve on the stability of cross bases and can be used in the outdoors on hard surfaces such as concrete, or frozen ground.

Each custom teardrop flag order comes with a flag, pole, cord, pin, and ring. There's also an optional nylon travel bag for easy transport and storage. This makes teardrop flag printing a convenient all-in-one large format advertising solution that you can use virtually anywhere.

Contact us to learn more about teardrop flags and other outdoor advertising tools.

Teardrop flag templates.

Save time by using our free templates. Our templates have been setup with proper bleeds and margins, assuring your print job turns out accurate. To download, select a file type and click on the size below.

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Boight this for...
September 16, 2018 by Tim_in_Denver
“Boight this for an event, but didn't think it would arrive in time, showed up early, looks great, easy to see up. Wish I got the x cross base instead of the spike anchor...way too heavy and thick for dry CO soil...will have to buy the across now.”

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What are the differences in the bases?
Asked a year ago by Tracy B.

There are five options:

  1. Ground Spike - This 25" long metal spike is great for installing flags outdoors in solid soil and typically provides the greatest stability for outdoor use.
  2. Cross base - This base has four legs and a foldable design making it a great option for indoor use and flags that may require travel. If used indoors with higher amounts of foot traffic, be careful to place it so that it does not create a tripping hazard.
  3. Cross base with water Weight Bag - To more securely anchor your flag, use a refillable water bag to put over the top of your cross base. This heavy plastic ring full of water adds 16 pounds of weight to secure your flag!
  4. Ground Spike and Cross base - This would have both the Ground Spike and the Cross base
  5. Square Base - A heavy metal base with a flat, square shaped bottom great for indoor use and outdoor settings of high foot traffic and moderately windy conditions.



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