
Add value to gifts with gift certificate holder printing.

Do more than just hold gift certificates with custom gift certificate holder printing. Use our customization options to print gift certificate holders unique to your brand and add a touch of class when you’re presenting gift certificates.


You can also use these custom holders for similar-sized items such as checks and receipts. This product is popular for promoting special offers and new products as well as for presenting awards and prizes.

Custom Printing

Custom gift certificate holders are small folders with four slits that hold checks and gift certificates by the corners. You can print on the outside of the folder and leave the inside blank, or you can print on both sides. Printing on both sides allows you to fill the holder with artwork and even add a surprise message or design to be revealed when the recipient removes the gift certificate from the holder.

Printing Specs

Gift certificate holders are printed on thick 14 pt. or 16 pt. cardstock with your choice of matte, gloss, or high-gloss UV coatings for protection. We also have an option with an uncoated back for ease of writing, the best option if you want to include a handwritten note on the holders.

Certificate holder size: 4.5" x 9.5" (folds to 4.5" x 4.75", slightly larger than a standard-sized check)

Note: shipped flat, scored for easy folding.

Size. Color. Material. It's all here, and more.

6 Paper/Stock Options

Gift certificate holder templates.

Save time by using our free templates. Our templates have been setup with proper bleeds and margins, assuring your print job turns out accurate. To download, select a file type and click on the size below.

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Does this have a Gift Cert Envelope only or the Gift Certificate itself also?
Asked 4 months ago by Samet I.

This only pertains to the holder. The certificate and envelope must be ordered separately.

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