
Turn Heads Wherever You Go With Car Decals

Hit the road in style and at the same time widen your brand’s reach with custom car decals. Also referred to as car stickers or car graphics, these are typically images, graphics, or lettering printed on self-adhesive vinyl and placed on any part of the vehicle exterior. Some of the most common uses are to show off a logo, advertise a business name, and share contact information.

You can stick our car decals on the back of your vehicle, by the door, or even on the windshield - as long as it doesn’t obstruct your view - since they won’t damage the surface. 

Get Your Car Decals From UPrinting

Our car decal printing service offers a wide range of customizable features, from size, shape, material, and even application location. Choose the “Custom” option if you have a specific length and width in mind – for clear adhesive vinyl and white adhesive vinyl, the minimum and maximum dimensions are 3-52 inches for width and 3-600 inches for height. Meanwhile, the minimum and maximum for perforated self-adhesive vinyl are 6-53 inches and 6-600, respectively. 

You can also specify which parts of the design you want opaque and transparent. Application also comes with two options: behind window and in front of window.

Add an optional protective laminate to your car decals for extra protection and a squeegee for easier application. Ready to get your own car decals? Place your order now and we can get them ready for shipping in 2 to 3 business days. The best part? There’s no minimum order quantity required!

Size. Color. Material. It's all here, and more.

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Car Decal templates.

Save time by using our free templates. Our templates have been setup with proper bleeds and margins, assuring your print job turns out accurate. To download, select a file type and click on the size below.

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I'm looking for a decal for a mini fridge. Would this be the best solution?
Asked 19 days ago by Allyson L.

That would be a suitable option or you can also check out our Adhesive Vinyls. Both are heavy duty decals using a strong adhesive and are waterproof.

24 in tall by 48 in wide I want it put it on a white truck I wanted to say One Call Construction all your maintenance needs let me know how much this would cost thank you
Asked 4 months ago by Dave B.

That is a standard size for the Car Decals and printing cost would be $81.30. It would seem that since you only need text, we suggest you go to Custom Wall Decals and click on Custom Size to be able to type in your 24" x 48" size. Once you have done that, click on "Create Your Design Online" so you can set up the text and save it on your account. We can later use your saved design for the Car Decal if you should choose to place an order.

24 in tall 36 in wide rap on a door for a car how much would it cost me
Asked 5 months ago by Dave B.

It would depend on the type of material you indicate. If you use the White Window Adhesive, printing cost would be around $51.72.

Hello there - would be able to create a window cling that is roughly 6-8 inches, with the bottom half being a "pocket" that would hold a business card and the top half with a printed logo and perhaps other marketing data?
Asked 5 months ago by Matthew C.

Unfortunately , we cant do any customization on window clings. You may wish to check our Rack Cards which normally have the bottom part that is a tear off which customer use as a business card.

What material do you suggest for sticking the car decal on the door of a car? Also, what settings do I use to make sure the decal part that is stuck on the car is only our logo and not a clear film over it?
Asked 6 months ago by Payton L.

You would need to select either the Clear Window Adhesive or the White Window Adhesive. If your logo stands out completely from the color of your car, then you can choose the Clear material. Select "Make Only the Background Transparent" for the White Ink option. This will make it appear that the background of your logo is the color of your car. 

However, you can also choose the White Material and select the Custom shape so that the decal will be in the shape of your logo with a thin white outline.

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