
Showcase your brand in style with Deluxe Signicade® A-frame signs. 

Use fuss-free signs to your brand’s advantage. Deluxe Signicade® A-frame signs lets you easily and effectively communicate to youaudienceIt takes only a few seconds to set up and requires no maintenance. This portable sandwich board has a quick-change feature that lets you quickly switch sign panels without the use of tools. It can hold two large 24” x 36” signsthe ideal size for calling out attention from the storefront or on the sidewalk 

Deluxe Signicade® A-frame signs shine whether used indoors or outdoors. Made of high-density molded plastic that doesn’t chip, rust, or discolor, its lightweight durability makes it the best marketing tool to use outdoors. The sign panels use weatherproof 4 mm Coroplast material, which pairs perfectly with the A-frames in withstanding the elements. For areas with windy conditions, Signicade® A-frame signs can be filled with water or dry sand to act as a ballast.

Attract attention with A-frame signs. 

A-frame signs are a time-tested marketing tool for small businesses. It shows pedestrians and passers-by your place of business, what you offer, and what your brand is. This makes capturing their attention from the get-go incredibly important. We’ve outlined some tips to consider in designing your Signicade® A-frame signs. 

Ensure legibility – Keep your word count low and your font size large. It would be extremely difficult to read a big block of text on an A-frame, especially from afar. Ensure that your sign’s copy is short and sweetand clear 

Go bold – Vivid colors attract attention the best. Use this to your advantage so that pedestrians immediately see your A-frame even from the corner of their eye. Try incorporating the color wheel in your design to use hues that are complementary to each other.  

Image quality – Always ensure that your design and images are of the best quality possible. Especially with Signicade® A-frame signs with 24” x 36” panels, using low resolution graphics will result in a pixelated sign that reflects poorly on your brand. Double check that your images and artwork are at least 300 dpi prior to printing for a sharp and discernible image.



Size. Color. Material. It's all here, and more.

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Reviews for Deluxe Signicade® A-Frame Signs
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of customers that buy this product give it a 4 or 5-Star rating.
Great Value - Great Service!
Verified buyer
March 31, 2023 by Mary Sue R ( MD )
“Price was great and customer service was very good. Very helpful! Will use UPrint again!”
A-Frane Sign
October 1, 2022 by Sacramento Hypnotherapy ( CA )
“We are really happy with our new A frame sign. It's sturdy and still light enough to carry. The logo and print are nice and clear.”
I love my...
June 12, 2022 by Akia P
“I love my sign, the customer service was awesome and very Kind. They responded fast and I received my sign the day they promised. I would use them again”
June 25, 2021 by Colorado Heart Gallery
Designed and ordered...
April 27, 2021 by PegT
“Designed and ordered for a client and it came out perfectly.”

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It appears that you can select to have your a-frame sign shipped with two printed boards. Is it possible to design both the front and back differently within Uprinting's online design tool?
Asked 2 years ago by AARON L.

Hi Aaron,

Unfortunately, it does not allow you to design both artworks for the A-frame on the design tool option. I would suggest saving your design twice and informing us so we can grab both designs if you place the order.


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