
Start the Game Strong With Breakaway Banners

Present your sports team with the grand entrance they deserve with a custom breakaway banner. It’ll surely get everyone’s school spirits up whether it’s in a football match, a pep rally, or a homecoming game. 

Our custom breakaway banners are made of two banner pieces with durable and reusable Velcro strips sewn on one end. Aside from the three standard sizes we offer – 8’ x 4’, 10’ x 6’ and 12’ x 8’ – we also accept custom size requests up to 15’ x 10’ (W x H).

We also offer poles of different lengths as an add-on in case you don’t have a pair of poles yet. There’s no minimum order quantity for breakaway banner orders and the print turnaround time is either 2 or 3 business days. 

How to Assemble Your Breakaway Banner

Get your breakaway banner up and ready with these simple steps. All you need is an open space, an extra hand, and a few minutes! 

1. Lay both banner pieces flat on a smooth or non-abrasive surface. Make sure it’s clean so no dirt or grime sticks to the Velcro!
2. Attach the two banner pieces by connecting the Velcro strips. 
    Assembly Step 1
3. Connect the banner poles and slide them in the pole pockets.
Assembly Step 2
Assembly Step 3
4. Stand the banner upright – you’ll need help with this! Pull each pole outwards to keep the banner taut.
Assembly Step 4
Assembly Step 5

You’re all good to go once the breakaway banner’s all tight. Take your position and be prepared to woo the crowd!

Size. Color. Material. It's all here, and more.

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Breakaway Banner templates.

Save time by using our free templates. Our templates have been setup with proper bleeds and margins, assuring your print job turns out accurate. To download, select a file type and click on the size below.

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I have tried uploading an image for a 10x6 banner and get an error about aspect ratio - what is the aspect ratio I need?
Asked 5 months ago by Kris

The aspect ratio for that size should be 5:3. The system detects absolute values and if you experience further issues uploading your file, please give us a call so you can email it directly to a Custom Support Representative who can create an unpaid order for you which can then go for free proofing. Our graphics team can take a look and send you a proof before you make payment.

I’m interested in purchasing a breakaway banner for our football team. I have a few questions: 1. How durable is this? Would it be sturdy enough for 14-15yeat old to run through? 2. Can we upload our own design to be printed on the banner.
Asked 6 months ago by Marisol p.

The banners are made of 13 oz vinly  and are very durable so it may be used multiple times. The breakaway banner is made of two banners that are attached by a velcro strip that you can close slightly on top and just enough to make the appearance they are one whole piece. Two people holding up the banner on each side using poles that are hemmed to the edges will make the banners stand upright.  After that it will be very easy for even kids to run through them with a little momentum. 

And yes, we actually need you to submit your own design. Please make sure it is designed exactly as the order size and has a resolution of 250-300 DPI for optimal printing. It just needs to be one image and we will be the ones to cut it in half and attach the velcro.

Do you have stands for the poles so that we can display the breakaway banner as a sign, when not being used as a breakaway? Of course you need people to hold the banner for stability during the breakaway. But we'd like the option to also display sign.
Asked 11 months ago by Kim M.

Unfortunately we do not have options to have these banners stand alone. You would probably need accesorries similar to those of a tent  to make sure these don't collapse.

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