UPrinting’s Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Printing Practices

Written by UPrinting    ●    Published on September 25, 2023

Balancing environmental responsibility with a keen understanding of environmental, economic, and social implications is challenging, especially when producing essentials like business cards or shipping boxes. These are necessary, indeed, but what is equally essential is the commitment to reshaping how these items are created and delivered.

Here at UPrinting, we’re mindful about the impact we have. In this article, Alex Miller, Strategic Planning and Analysis Manager, and Susan Rooshanak, Director of Purchasing & Estimating, share what UPrinting is doing to bridge the gap.

Our Minimal Waste Philosophy

A key tenet in sustainability is the reduction of waste to the absolute minimum, with the ultimate goal of producing no waste at all. While this may seem impossible for a printing provider, it involves integrating sustainable practices into the entire printing process, from optimizing production processes, maximizing material usage, using recyclable and compostable subsrates, and more. Alex Miller, , expounds “At UPrinting, we employ the minimal waste philosophy not just to reduce our overall waste and impact, but also to lower the cost for our customers. This dual approach benefits both the environment and our clientele, creating a win-win scenario for all stakeholders involved.”

The Matter of Materials

The environmental impact of paper is complex. While it is not inherently “green”, its environmental impact depends on its source, the production process, its use, and its end-of-life.. Paper sourced from sustainably managed forests such as FSC or PEFC certified, can be considered environmentally friendly as these forests are replanted, managed for long-term health, and often serve as carbon sinks. Susan Rooshanak, Director of Purchasing & Estimating, talks about the company’s use of eco-friendly materials. “Not only are all our printed items fully recyclable, but they are also designed to be downcycled. Most of our paper is FSC certified, emphasizing our commitment to sustainable practices... In fact, we recycle all our papers and aluminum plates.”

Printing Responsibly

Making the shift from antiquated, unsustainable practices is equally important. Petroleum-based inks, sourced from crude oil, not only deplete finite natural resources but also pose significant challenges during recycling. These inks often leave residues that can contaminate the recycled paper stream, making the process less efficient and reducing the quality of recycled paper products. By choosing sustainable alternatives, such as vegetable-based inks which UPrinting already uses, printers can significantly reduce their environmental footprint, support a circular economy, and cater to a growing market of eco-aware consumers. Rooshanak also mentions how UPrinting has transitioned away from old eco-unfriendly printing methods “We've transitioned to Sonora plates, which are process-free, eliminating the need for chemicals in plate processing.”

The Road to Continuous Improvement

Sustainability, especially with the printing industry, is a difficult task but one that deserves our full attention. Remember, being sustainable isn't just about making a single change — it's about looking at the entire operation and finding ways to reduce the impact on the environment at every step. It's about understanding the sources of our materials, the energy consumption of our machinery, the waste produced, and even the afterlife of the printed product. It's an ongoing journey of making conscious decisions, adapting to new technologies, and continually seeking improvement at every opportunity.