
Stand Tall at Trade Shows and Events With Retractable Banners

When it comes to trade shows, bazaars, and conferences, standing out in a sea of guests and fellow exhibitors can be a challenge. Retractable banners can help you stand out in the crowd and capture the attention of potential customers with a bright vinyl banner propped up on a tall, metal frame.

Types of Retractable Banners and Display Options

Types of Retractable Banners Display Options Graphic Sizes
Standard Retractable Banner comes with one single-sided printed banner and metal stand. 23.5” x 80”, 33.5” x 80”, and 47” x 80”
Deluxe Retractable Banner choose between one single-sided banner or two banners you can set up back-to-back to create a double-sided view;
both options come with a metal stand.
33”x 77” only
Premium Retractable Banner comes with one single-sided printed banner and metal stand. 36” x 88”, 48” x 88”, and 60” x 88”

Material/Substrate Options

13 oz Smooth Matte Vinyl

Smooth and weather-proof vinyl material that can be displayed both indoors and outdoors; available with Standard Retractable banners.

13 oz Standard Vinyl

Weather-proof Vinyl material made with a matte finish to help manage glare; available with Deluxe and Premium retractable banner variants.

UV Fabric

Heavy-duty fabric banner with gray backing made with tightly woven threads. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Available with Deluxe and Premium retractable banner variants.

A Guide to Picking the Right Retractable Banner Size

Our standard pull-up banners come in various sizes to help you gauge the signage’s fit against the space you’re working with. Use the guide below to select the right pop-up banner for you.

23.5” x 80”

Our smallest retractable banner available; great for limited floor spaces.

23.5” x 80”

Our most popular banner size and has adequate space for images and text.

47” x 80”

Our largest size for standard retractable banner; ideal for big booths.

How to Assemble a Retractable Banner

When you order a custom retractable banner at UPrinting, you will receive a complimentary travel bag containing the stand’s base, support pole, and header bar. Use this 4-step guide to easily set up your retractable banner.


Retractable Banner Step 1

Set the base

on the ground and rotate the feet out at 90 degrees.


Retractable Banner Step 2

Connect the support poles

and insert them into the list at the top of base.


Retractable Banner Step 3

Gently lift the header

pulling the retractable banner display up at a slight angle from the base.


Retractable Banner Step 4

Hook the top header into the slot at the end of the pole.

into the slot at the end of the pole.

Frequently Asked Questions About Retractable Banners

Q: How can I print my own banner design?

Have your own questions? Find answers from others and ask your own questions.

Size. Color. Material. It's all here, and more.

2 Paper/Stock Options

Retractable banner templates.

Save time by using our free templates. Our templates have been setup with proper bleeds and margins, assuring your print job turns out accurate. To download, select a file type and click on the size below.
Reviews for Retractable Banners
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of customers that buy this product give it a 4 or 5-Star rating.
I had a...
May 25, 2016 by mvone
“I had a graphic that was all black. there is a distinct difference between two areas of black on the background of the image. I'm not sure if they switched ink midway through or what. I am a professional designer and worked with many banner companies and know how to create printable files, so the issue must have been on the print side. It isn't terrible, but noticeable without having to point it out.”
Not functional.
September 19, 2022 by Exhibit
“The retractable mechanism never worked on mine. I took it apart a bit per the video from customer service, but that was just a temporary fix.”
Poor quality stand-...
March 7, 2022 by Amal
“Poor quality stand- banner has creases in it and hard to set up”
The retractable banners...
February 22, 2022 by Wardian 55
“The retractable banners work fine but the print quality on one banner is horrific. Both banners were made with the same program but one is perfect and the other is a screenshot including the red underline under one of the last names. I've sent a request to customer service with "zero" response. I just want to get it corrected. On after repacking the one with the terrible print, they broke off the zipper. I had to use a pair of plyers to get into it.”
Part of the...
May 5, 2021 by Bob22
“Part of the banner was blurry and it came with a chip out of part of it. Everything stated the quality was going to be good before accepting the proof, but apparently it was not. When I contacted them, they said there was nothing they could do and that I would have to order and pay for another one.”

Customer Questions

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Do you have any options for vinyl stickers/decals that will be added to banner at different times? Say at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks? want to make sure the stickers don't curl off if the banner were to be retracted.
Asked 2 years ago by Patricia P.

Hi Patricia,

Unfortunately, all of our stickers are destructive stickers which means it would leave the adhesive when you remove them. The other option we have is the custom wall decals, the material we use there is an adhesive fabric which makes it repositionable. With proper care and cleaning it would last long.


Does this stand on its own?
Asked 2 years ago by Jd S.

Yes, our retractable banners can stand on their own. 
Each retractable banner comes in a travel bag, and inside, you’ll find several parts. Here’s how to set it all up:

1. Set the base on the ground and rotate the feet out by 90 degrees.

2. Connect the support poles and insert them into the slit at the top of the base.

3. Gently lift up on the header bar, pulling the retractable banner display up at a slight angle from the base.

4.Hook the top header bar into the slot at the end of the pole.

Considering that my banners will be positioned on stage behind a speaker with bright lights and cameras directed at them, would the vinyl surface be matte enough to prevent glare, or should I opt for a fabric material?
Asked 2 years ago by Joe

Nice question, Joe! 

Our standard retractable banner is made from 13 oz Poly film which is a bit glossy and may produce glare. We may recommend the Deluxe and Premium Retractable banners as these are made from 13 oz smooth matte material.

Will I be able to change the banners out?
Asked 2 years ago by Phillicia J.


Thank you so much for the question. I would be more than happy to answer your inquiry about the retractable banners.

As much as we would like to assure you that it is interchangeable, we actually do not recommend it. We also do not offer replacement banners for the retractable banners. The good news is that you may not need one since the banner should last at least five years!

I hope this helps!


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