
Gate Fold Brochure Printing: A Unique Way to Present Your Information

Gate fold brochure is a three-panel print that has two opposite sides folded to meet at the center. The folded size is wider than a standard tri-fold brochure and the paper opening provides a more creative effect on your design.

The most common size for gate fold brochure is 8.5” x 11” and 8.5” x 14” — which folds to 8.5” x 5.5” and 8.5” x 7”, respectively. Need a different size? Here at UPrinting, you can customize the dimensions of your gate fold prints to fit your marketing needs. Download our free templates as guide in creating your layout.

Our standard turnaround time is 3 days; but we can print them in 1 business day. Call us at 1-888-888-4211 or chat with us for assistance!
Save time by using our free templates. Our templates have been setup with proper bleeds and margins, assuring your print job turns out accurate. To download, select a file type and click on the size below.
Reviews for Gate Fold Brochure
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Overall Rating
of customers that buy this product give it a 4 or 5-Star rating.
Quality was decent,...
November 27, 2020 by EJohnson
“Quality was decent, but there was abrasion marks/misprinting on one side of all of the brochures. Also I felt the folding could have been nicer; the outside of the folds were fine, but the inside was very noticeably distressing the print. Lastly the stickers they used to close the brochures were and offwhite color; I should have confirmed color before ordering the brochures with them, but I think that should be noted somewhere, as I wouldn't have paid the extra for them if I had known as I would have preferred they were clear.”
The printing was...
September 22, 2021 by Scott S
“The printing was fine, but they close at 5:00 and the box of our gate folded brochures did not reach their office until about 4:30, leaving my only a half hour window to pick up our time sensitive order before our event the next day. This would have been annoying but acceptable, except when we got back to the office and opened the brochures - they were not folded. So we paid for gate folded brochures to be picked up a day before our event, but we got a box full of two side printed pieces of paper. Our staff spent the rest of the night folding brochures, and we were not able to get through all of them in time for our event. So I was fine with the printing, but we could have gotten it done a lot cheaper and faster at Kinko's. I expected that when we paid for gate folded brochures, and paid extra to have them done early, that our order would be completely printed and folded when handed to us.”
I did not...
August 17, 2017 by Simrit
“I did not receive a proof, and had to call to find out what was going on. After I called the first time, I was told my order had been put on hold because of an issue with the dimensions of the jpg that I provided vs. what I ordered (which would not have been a big deal had I been contacted by someone from UPrinting rather than having been told after called when I hadn’t received a proof). I was then told that I would need to pay extra for the new sized brochures, which was not a problem, as the paper was a larger size, but I was told that I could pay the difference online. When I went to pay online, I had no option to pay for the difference that was owed for the new size, so I called your customer service again, and Leah, the service rep with whom I spoke, said the only way that I could pay was online. After going several rounds with her, she finally transferred me to a phone payment system. Then, when the brochures were actually delivered to me, they weren’t even folded – I ordered gate folded brochures, and none of them were folded upon delivery. This was a horrible experience, and you have just lost our business.”

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Do these come folded?
Asked a year ago by Lisa

If you select Paper Stock 100 lb (Gloss or Matte) or below, this will come folded.  If you select Card Stock 10 Pt  or 14 PT, this will be delivered flat but scored so it will be needed to be folded at your end.

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