
Print Graduation Party Invitations and Photo Souvenirs

Make your special day more special with beautiful high quality graduation postcards. With these print materials you can share details about your special event with your friends and family. You can use them for post-graduation party invitations, photo souvenirs or thank you cards for your teachers.

When making graduation postcards it is important to choose the right kind of paper. We offer postcards printing using 10-14pt. card stocks with glossy, matte or uncoated finishes. There are different sizes available to choose from, but we also do customized jobs.

For more information on graduation postcard printing, you can reach us at 1-888-888-4211.

Size. Color. Material. It's all here, and more.

9 Paper/Stock Options

Free Graduation Postcards Design Templates

Follow these simple steps to use our standard postcards design templates below:

1. Choose a Template & Get Started
Browse our collection of design templates and choose your template by clicking on "Customize and Print."
2. Personalize & Brand Your Design
Make the design your own by incorporating your company logo and company name.
3. Add to Cart and Checkout
Add your personalized design to your cart and proceed to checkout to finalize your purchase.
Want to design your own postcard? Create your print-ready file using the design software you prefer. Our templates have been setup with proper bleeds and margins, assuring your print job turns out accurate. To download, select a file type and click on the size below.
Reviews for Graduation Postcards
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of customers that buy this product give it a 4 or 5-Star rating.
Grad Announcement - Great Quality and Value, ease of use
Verified buyer
May 16, 2024 by Scott Miller ( OH )
“This was a graduation announcement (I did not have input into "Postcards" caption). They were of good quality and the price was on the very low end of the spectrum. The down side is the shipping cost was disappointingly high compared to the competition, which made the price still competitive, but not as good as first glance. The ordering process was the best (I tried multiple companies), and allowed me to quickly place my already-prepared (in external software) announcement artwork. A lot of the other companies had templates (which Uprinting does too), but I couldn't figure out on several of the competitors how to create a blank canvas to place my prepared art. With Uprinting it was a breeze.”
I was sent...
May 17, 2020 by CDHB
“I was sent a proof that looked good. When they came in the mail, my daughter's picture was so dark you couldn't see her clearly and the back pictures were not clear either. We are sending them back.”

Customer Questions

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can the graduation postcard have our return address printed on the back side. Picture and information on one side and address on the other.
Asked 10 months ago by Char R.

Yes, that sounds like the way a regular postcard is set up. If you plan to actually mail this through the Post Office, please make sure you download the template so you can be guided on where design elements may or may not be placed as part of mailing protocols. 

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